Why use GLOW pacifiers?

BIBS GLOW Pacifiers

Your night pacifiers light up in the dark, making it easy for you as a parent and for your child to find the pacifier at night. As parents ourselves we know the struggles of trying to find a pacifier in the dark. For us, the glow pacifier is an indispensable must-have!

Why use GLOW pacifiers?

BIBS GLOW pacifiers make it easy for both parents and little ones to find the pacifiers in the dark and accommodates the frustration it can cause for parents to stand in the middle of the night - in total darkness - looking for the pacifier with a crying child. The night pacifiers help parents and babies to get a good night's sleep, as you do not have to turn on the light and wake up your baby when the pacifier is lost during the night.

Easy to find in the dark

BIBS night pacifiers have a practical luminescent effect, so you can always find them - even in total darkness.

How does the GLOW pacifiers work?

Simply hold the pacifier up to a light source for 5 to 10 sec. to activate the effect. The effect lasts for 8+ hours.

Are the GLOW pacifiers safe for my baby?

Yes! Our night pacifiers have the same high quality as the original BIBS pacifiers and are thoroughly tested and approved to be 100% safe for children. Our safety and quality standards are incredibly high, and all pacifiers comply with the European standard EN 1400 + A2.

The luminescent part of the night pacifier is produced by adding a luminous pigment, instead of the color pigments, to the material from which the pacifier's dup and handle are made. That is why, the dup or handle is white on the GLOW pacifiers, as no color pigment has been added.

As with all the other materials we use in our pacifiers and other products, the glow material is completely safe and has been thoroughly tested. The shield and the luminescent part are made of a 100% food-safe material and are BPA-free.

The luminescent pigment "charges" during the day by absorbing daylight. When it gets dark, it emits the absorbed light and can therefore be seen in the dark.

How long does the glow effect last?

It depends on the "charge" and light source. But in general, the effect lasts for 8+ hours if you hold the pacifier up to a light source for approx. 5 to 10 sec.